Sunday, April 25, 2010

Week 12: Taking risks

I loved my father once.

My father was an alcoholic, through and through. He’d call himself a “social drinker” and he’d head off to an executive luncheon and never make it home. Well, He did when the police brought him in their private blue and white cab. They never did fine him, prosecute him or jail him. I guess the business suit distinguished him from the real alchies puking their guts out in the gutter. My father got to puke in the privacy on his home, in the porcelain throne, or maybe the closet when he forgot where he was.

My father was a womanizer through and through. He called it harmless. I guess it was harmless, if you think no-one is looking. Ask my mother, she thought it hurt. Especially when he spent the month with his “sexretary” (yep, he gave her a desk plaque that said that), while my mother was in Philadelphia with me having open heart surgery. You could even ask us kids when he’d use us as toy props to lure in an overworked waitress.

My father was a cheat through and through. He called it harmless, if he got away with it. Ask his business partner who left the company just before it floundered from my fathers extravagant personal expenses. Ask the IRS who attached his debts to my mother’s paycheck. Ask us kids who never got the child support he should have provided.

I loved my father once, children do that.


  1. You must be pleased with this--you should be pleased with this: the risky idea, the repeated formulas, the linked open and close (like an open and shut case), the unqualified bitterness unsweetened with any sentimentality or relativism, the compressed detailing.

    See if the Eyrie dare refuses this!

  2. "dares refuse" not "dare refuses"
    is probably the way to go....

  3. Thanks. This was another one that just came. The only changes I made were to typographical errors.
    I quickly slid through your archived posts to find the Eyrie submission, but didnt' see it, may be too early in the morning still. Could you get it to me, please> Then, since I am an off campus student, how do you go about getting a copy of the Eyrie?, when it is printed?

  4. This year's Eyrie will be out soon. Send me a stamped self addressed manila envelope and I will send you a copy when it arrives.

    will get you to the cover sheet and you can do the rest electronically, mail it to me as an attachment.

  5. Send me a SASE manilla and I'll send you a copy--the new one should be out soon. Here's where you find the sub sheet.

  6. What's your e-mail address again? I have too many papers accumulated on the desk and floor and table these days, and cannot find the syllabus I printed out long ago. I also noticed some more typos so will fix those before I submit it. Do I send you the SASE to you at EMCC?

  7. SASE to EMCC
