Sunday, May 2, 2010

Week # 14: Using yourself differently

Bucket List: A list off all the things we want to do before we die, so we leave this world without regrets.

1. Witness a tropical rainforest.

2. Go above the Arctic Circle.

3. Let loved ones know they are loved.

4. Visit Greece and meet the Olympian Gods.

5. See a Native American Shaman.

6. Visit a Buddhist Monastery.

7. Intimately know one square mile.

8. Eat only homegrown food for a year.

9. Help 5 people less fortunate.

10. Visit the outback.

11. Ride a whale, or at least a dolphin.

12. Read and reread all of Shakespeare.

Hell, a bucket list is bunk. How can there not be regrets when a person sets such goals?

New list:

1. Let loved ones know they are loved.

2. Be honest.

3. Accept where you are in life.


  1. Ooh, I like that callback--you had all the fun of coming up with a genuine rc bucket list, and then all the fun of kicking that house of cards down and getting into a different kind of serious. Worth noting from my pov, this is also a take on week 13.

  2. I hear many people talking about making their bucket lists, but you must need a disposable income to really do it, at least the one i made. I may have to content myself with the visualizations I did in the safe place prompt way back when.
